One week to go!

Yet no major political party has promised the radical change that most people in the UK want or deserve.

On Palestine, on climate, migrant rights, economic and social justice – we’ve pushed politicians to stand up for our future.

Join the powerful movement of grassroots groups and individuals who are making this election a tipping point for justice. 

With so much at stake, don’t sit this one out. 


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Get Out The Movement Vote



Speak up at a public meeting of election candidates to show them how much you & others care. 


Choose from a range of designs.  Easy to edit templates.

Simply add your demands and print 1 for your window or dozens for your friends, family & colleagues. 





Fancy some stickers instead?

We’ve got sticker templates you can adapt and print yourself locally.

Or fill the Group Organisers form to choose from the designs below and receive a free sticker bundle for grassroots groups.


Are you telling me how to vote?

No. Only you decide that based on the issues you care about most. 

How should I vote?

That’s entirely up to you at the ballot box.

There are two ways to vote at this election. With your heart and with your head.  Which you choose to prioritise may depend on where you live. Sites like Get Voting, Best for Britain or Tactical Vote may be able to help you decide.

Several non-partisan organisations and charities have produced analysis of the manifesto promises – see for example how they score on #Climate#Palestine 

Before we get to 4 July, just ask yourself what matters most to you and your future.

And make sure you are registered to vote and bring along photo ID with you.  you can find your nearest polling station here

Find out who’s running in your area and what they think about the issues that matter to you. Go along to a local hustings event to ask the candidates questions or write to them using this email tool.

Where do I vote?

This handy website will show you your nearest polling station:  


Don’t forget to bring your photo ID.  And why not check whether any elderly or disabled neighbours need a hand getting to the polling station? 

Can I vote?

You need to be registered to vote before you can vote in UK elections. The deadline for registering to vote in this election is 17th June 2024!

You need to show photo ID when voting in person in some elections and referendums in England, Scotland and Wales. Check what types of ID you can use before you go to vote.

There are different rules if you vote in Northern Ireland.

To vote in the UK you must be:

  • 18 years old in England and Northern Ireland
  • 16 years old in Scottish Parliament and local elections (and other elections when you’re 18)
  • 16 years old in Senedd Cymru (Welsh Parliament) and local elections (and other elections when you’re 18)

You must also be one of the following:

  • a British citizen
  • an Irish or EU citizen living in the UK
  • a Commonwealth citizen who has permission to enter or stay in the UK, or who does not need permission
  • a citizen of another country living in Scotland or Wales who has permission to enter or stay in the UK, or who does not need permission

Check out this site to find out more information. 

What if I can’t vote?

Not everyone living in the UK is eligible to vote or has a voice in our democratic process.   That’s doesn’t mean you can’t organise or make your voice heard in other ways.

Whether you’re under 16 or unable to vote due to your immigration status or other reasons, you can become an organiser on the issues that are important to you and encourage those who do have the right to vote to use it wisely.

Do I have to tell you how I vote?

No, but we’re keen to find out what sort of movement power we built together with this Movement Vote project.  Look out for ways to let us know after the election. Your answer will be entirely anonymous. 

When is the next election?

Rishi Sunak surprised everyone by calling a snap election this summer instead of waiting til the Autumn.

Polling day will be on Thursday 4 July.

Since it’s the summertime (and school holidays for some in Scotland and Northern Ireland) make sure you register for a postal vote if you’re likely to be away. The deadline for this has now passed. 

Are there restrictions on what my group can do?

Yes!  Under electoral law, there are restrictions on the activities that any campaign groups can undertake during the 6 week period before an election.

Join one of our upcoming briefing sessions or check out this guidance.

The basic things to know are:

  • Don’t promote one candidate, party or policy position over another ie. stay non-party political
  • Don’t spend more than £700 per constituency if you are supporting one specific party, candidate or policy position.
  • Do encourage people to sign up as ‘supporters’ of your group. You have the freedom to say what you want to your ‘committed supporters’ eg. your email list.
  • Be fair.  Treat all candidates equally and with respect and don’t defame anyone or make claims you can’t back up.



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