Grassroots Action Fund

Tipping Point UK supports grassroots groups from all communities and backgrounds to use their power and organise bigger, bolder and more regular actions together to win change for climate justice.

This fund is temporarily closed

We will update this page when we reopen the fun next.

We know from our own experience as organisers that grassroots groups have limited capacity and access to resources.  We created this quick and simple action fund to redistribute funding so that UK grassroots action groups can continue doing what you do best.


This fund aims to support grassroots groups organising for climate justice with tactics that help our social movements build greater collective power. Groups interested in this fund are invited to apply for grants of between £50 to £500 (average grant size ~£200). 

The fund will prioritise grants to UK-based grassroots groups that meet 2 or more of these criteria:

  • Grassroots groups underrepresented in the climate movement, such as groups led by BIPOC, women, trans and non binary, and working class. 
  • Grassroots groups that receive no funding or very little funding to cover their activities
  • Grassroots groups that have a clear strategy around how to build power and have an intersectional approach to the work they do
  • Grassroots groups that actively seek connection and collaboration with other movements and groups 
  • Grassroots groups that are organising around restorative climate justice, climate reparations, fossil fuel finance or expansion, or migrant justice.

 What the fund does not cover:

  • Any party political activity or work that can reasonably be regarded as intended to promote or procure electoral success at any relevant election for:
    • one or more particular political parties;
    • one or more political parties which advocate (or do not advocate) particular policies, or which otherwise fall within a particular category of parties; or
    • candidates who hold (or do not hold) particular opinions or who advocate (or do not advocate) particular policies, or who otherwise fall within a particular category of candidates.
  • Activities or expenses for projects that don’t have a charitable purpose
  • Activities that are illegal or could in any way endanger the safety or wellbeing of participants
  • Individuals
  • Staff costs

How to apply

You can apply in two ways, either by filling out this quick form or by submitting a video of no more than 3 minutes. You’ll need to include: 

  • Your group’s name and contact details.
  • How much you are requesting and what you need it for 
  • What other support you need from us at Tipping Point UK. 

Please note: Tipping Point’s funding and capacity is limited and we will not be able to offer grants and/or additional direct support to all groups.  We may contact you to request further details about your application and/or any activities you carried out with Grassroots Action Fund support, but we aim to make the process as quick and simple as possible. We will prioritise support to groups who we have not supported before.  

Donate to Grassroots Action Fund

Would you like to donate to the Grassroots Action Fund to put money in the hands of the groups who need it? Then you can donate here!

Some groups we have supported include: 

Case study:

We wanted to deliver positive environmental action sessions/courses in the local community, in particular working with BIPOC and working class communities. Tipping Point’s support enabled us to secure a venue booking, small travel expenses for the poorest participants and purchase materials for the sessions. They helped us to design, develop and deliver decolonial climate justice training, delivered to local (mostly white-led) groups and build educational resources and a network of support for black and global majority people to engage with climate justice activism.”