Who we are
Tipping Point UK supports grassroots groups organising and mobilising for intersectional climate justice. Take a look at who is building people power behind the scenes.

Adriana Swain, Operations and Org Dev Lead
Adriana brings over 10 years of experience in facilitation, community organising and co-op development in support of land justice, housing justice, racial justice and climate justice groups, working with working class communities most impacted by the extractive economy. She is experienced in supporting teams to organise and self-manage themselves, navigate tension and co-create dynamic care-based systems and cultures.

Andrew Taylor, Lead Organiser - Fossil Finance
Andrew has over 14 years of experience as a campaigner and trainer with various organisations including People & Planet, Electronics Watch, 350.org, and Friends of the Earth. He currently coordinates Coal Action Network’s campaign to pressure Lloyd’s of London to stop insuring the Adani coal mine, a role he continues alongside his work with Tipping Point. He leads the Defund Climate Chaos work, working particularly closely with partners like Money Rebellion, Insure Our Future and Stop EACOP.

Bibi Elberse, Stop Rosebank Organiser + London Organiser
Bibi is a climate justice campaigner and activist. Her experience includes organising grassroots campaigns that fight imperialism, divestment from fossil fuel production and racial justice. She sits on the executive committee of Caribbean Labour Solidarity and is involved in Climate Action Support Pathway, supporting activists who take part in civil resistance. With Tipping Point, she works as the Stop Rosebank UK and London organiser, providing facilitation and coordinating support to working groups in the Stop Cambo coalition and supporting grassroots groups.

Clara Paillard, North West Organiser + Trade Union Organiser
Clara has over 15 years of experience campaigning with trade unions on climate justice issues and workers rights at UK and international level. She served as the President of PCS union Culture Group for 8 years, organising with 4,000 museum workers, including Green reps. She has supported various campaigns from anti-fracking and ending oil sponsorship of museums to energy democracy & advocating for climate jobs. She has been working with or advised organisations such as Culture Unstained, Trade Unions for Energy Democracy, Migrants In Culture and Platform London.

Duncan, Stop Rosebank Organiser
Duncan is a climate justice campaigner organising through the Stop Cambo campaign and has been a key organiser since the campaign launched 2 years ago. He builds on his previous career in education to run workshops with groups across Scotland and engage them in creative actions for the Stop Rosebank. Duncan is also a music teacher and one of the volunteer organisers of Climate Camp Scotland. He is responsible for the Stop Rosebank work happening within Scotland.

Louise Hazan, Lead Organiser - Movement Power
Louise has spent two decades as a campaigner, communicator, movement strategist, organiser and network developer at the heart of the UK and global climate justice movements. In 2011 she founded the Fossil Free divestment movement with UK student groups before spreading the campaign throughout Europe. She combines a wealth of experience in grassroots activism, communications and leveraging digital tools alongside international collaboration, with over a decade as a director and manager for organisations like 350.org, People & Planet and Friends of the Earth. Louise leads our Movement Power and Stop Rosebank work.
Hussein, Fossil Finance Organiser
Hussein is a British Palestinian with over 15 years of experience organising around Palestinian liberation and other intersectional struggles. He previously worked for Makan and Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP) before joining Tipping Point in July 2024. He has a BA in Hispanic Studies with Spanish & Portuguese from Nottingham University, and an MSc in Middle East Politics from SOAS, his research and writing has mainly focused on foreign policy and the historic arms trade between Latin America and the Israeli state. He has contributed to Al-Shabaka, +972, Mondoweiss, Al Jazeera English, Montez Press Radio & Netil Radio.
Joe Irving, Tech Hub Lead
Joe coordinates the Tech Hub for Tipping Point UK. He’s self-taught and has been coding and creating tech solutions since he was very young. He designed and created websites and integrations for many campaigns and groups in the movement. He also co-founded the Axe Drax group and is involved in various direct action groups.

Liz Snook, South West Organiser
Snook has over 25 years experience of grassroots organising across a range of direct action campaigns, from the anti roads movement to Colston, via food sovereignty, Plane Stupid, anti fracking and migrant justice. They are one of the founding crew of Reclaim the Power and worked for 6 years as a coordinator of protestor support group Green and Black Cross Legal.

Rosanna Wiseman, International Solidarity Organiser
Rosanna is an organiser and activist with 12 years experience of being part of grassroots social justice movements, with 5 years experience of paid organising work. Her experiences working with migrant justice groups drives her passion for ensuring climate justice puts freedom of movement at its core. She has previously worked at Global Justice Now, SOAS Detainee Support and Green New Deal Rising and she co-founded several grassroots organisations including London Latinxs and No Borders in Climate Justice. She is on the care & repair and fossil finance team.

Sadie DeCoste, Climate Reparations Organiser
Sadie is a climate change researcher and activist with a focus on climate reparations, transformative adaptation, and loss and damage. At Tipping Point, she supports the Climate Reparations Network and the Care & Repair team. She co-founded the Loss and Damage Youth Coalition and has been active in loss and damage movements for several years. She loves gardening and musical theatre.

Melissa Céspedes del Sur, Bank Better Campaign Lead
Melissa has over ten years of experience in grassroots organising, focussing mainly on feminist, migrant justice and anti-racist struggles. As an abolitionist, she has organised nationally and locally against the police; and has been a long-term member of feminist direct-action group Sisters Uncut. Her work is informed by her experience as a working-class migrant and a frontline worker, and she has been an active union member and rep for over five years. At Tipping Point, Melissa leads the Bank Better Campaign work, which supports groups and organisations to cut ties with the banks that finance the fossil fuel industry.

Myra Stuart, Organisational Development Lead (New Child Leave cover)
Myra is an experienced organisational development specialist, programme manager, and facilitator who has worked cross-sector across the arts, academia, VSOs and policy makers.
She has trained architects in best practice engaging with communities for RIBA and led research projects for Citizens Advice West Sussex that went on to inform local NHS strategy. Alongside her work Tipping Point, she is passionate about somatics and works 121 with clients as a somatic practitioner. She also runs Arts Disability Network, a community space and programme of workshops and events supporting disabled artists.
She is driven by exploring how people and the communities and organisations they
live in can create transformational change.

Patti Burton, Comms Lead
Patti is a digital campaigner, communicator and journalist from Sydney, Australia. She has a passion for nuanced storytelling and amplifying front line voices, which has led her to work & volunteer in community radio and for a number of grassroots climate & political movements over the past 5 years. Patti has also worked at Tipping Point Australia, the behind the scenes organisation supporting grassroots climate justice movements like #StopAdani, Move Beyond Coal and School Strike 4 Climate. At Tipping Point UK, she develops and implements communication strategies and projects to amplify and support the work of grassroots groups.

Rona Hardie, Stop Rosebank Training Lead
Rona has been organising within the Scottish social and climate justice movement for several years. At Tipping Point she coordinates the training and development programme for the Stop Rosebank network, providing facilitation and training for individuals and groups within the campaign. She recently completed part-time postgraduate studies investigating the impact that hosting COP26 has had on the Scottish climate justice movement, and now lives in Bristol where she enjoys foraging, camping and any opportunity to be in the sea. Alongside Tipping Point, Rona also works for Transition Together as the Just Transition lead, where she works on introducing justice and equity principles and practices into the work of the Transition movement.

Rakesh Prashara, North East Organiser
Rakesh started off setting up and co-ordinating the Newcastle Greenpeace group over a decade ago since then he has been involved in various climate campaigns across the country. He was part of the group that successfully opposed the opencast coal mine at Druridge Bay in Northumberland and subsequently used his experience to support the Defend Dewley Hill campaign.

Scarlett Westbrook, Midlands Organiser
Scarlett is a climate justice activist and journalist and is the youngest regular policy writer in Parliamentary history. She was one of the lead organisers of the School Climate Strikes and set up campaign group Teach the Future, where she leads on policy. Scarlett supports and organises with grassroots groups across the East and West Midlands.
Tatiana Garavito, Lead Organiser - Care & Repair
Tatiana is an organiser and facilitator working on issues at the intersection of migration, race and climate justice. Tatiana has years of experience leading the strategic work of social justice organisations and over five years’ experience in facilitating processes for liberation and movement building. Tatiana has worked with Migrants Rights Network, HOPE not hate, Latin American Women’s Rights Services and Quakers In Britain amongst others; she is also a longstanding and founding member of climate justice collective Wretched of the Earth and co-leads the care & repair work at Tipping Point UK.